Bridge the Gap Between Email and SMS!

A modern email-to-sms service

Effortlessly send text messages via email. No coding required.

With our 'Email to SMS' platform, you can seamlessly send text messages to your team or yourself just by shooting an email. Say goodbye to complex SMS gateways and welcome effortless communication.

Email To SMS Service


Here’s why you’ll love us

Instant Delivery

Send an email and have it delivered as an SMS in seconds.

Unique Email Address

You get a unique and easy-to-remember email address to send messages without confusion.

No Technical Skills Required

If you can send an email, you can send an SMS.

Send email to sms easily

How it works

Experience seamless communication between email and SMS with just a few simple steps. Our "Email to SMS" system is designed to provide a straightforward way for businesses to send important messages swiftly.

Get in Touch
Reach out to us and express your interest in the "Email to SMS" service.

Get a Unique Email Address
We'll provide you with a distinct email address tailored specifically for your business.

Assign One or Multiple Phone Numbers
Link multiple mobile numbers to your unique email, ensuring your messages reach the right people.

Send Email to Your Unique Email
Simply add this email to your apps to instantly forwarded as SMS to the assigned phone numbers.

About Email-to-SMS

Email Out, SMS In!

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses require real-time communication tools that are both versatile and efficient. The "Email to SMS" feature bridges the gap between traditional email systems and the immediacy of SMS, ensuring that crucial information reaches recipients without delay. 

Real-time communication

Universal Access

High Quality & Reliable Service

Especially for businesses with teams that are always on the move or systems that primarily communicate through emails, converting these messages into text ensures that no critical alert, update, or instruction goes unnoticed, even when team members are away from their inboxes.

Unlock possibilities with our solution right now

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